Our Great Loop Stats
We have been home for a month now. Time has flown by and we are settling into the creature comforts of being home. This last entry will be some overall statistics of our trip. Our daughter Jamie interviewed me this week as a guest on Anglers Unlimited / Fishing in the San Juans Islands & Beyond. There is a Facebook page and Anglers Unlimited can be found on YouTube. The link below is the interview on YouTube.
Thank you all again for following us on our loop!
Karla and Paul from Current Plan mapped their loop with sticky dots along their way noting when they stopped overnight/s. Karla sent us a batch of dots so we could use them on our map. Our map key--the dots represent at least one night stay:
Green - 87 Marinas--we stayed more than one night in some
Blue - 3 Mooring Balls
Pink - 35 Anchorages
Black - 33 Wall or dock to tie up to without electric/water
Departed home: 09/07/2023 arriving in Peoria, IL 09/11/2023 Total miles: 2,291
Arrived home from Peoria: 09/02/2024 Total miles: 2,085
Total truck & trailer miles: 4,376
States on trip East: Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois
States on trip West: Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho, Washington
Dropped the lines from Peoria Boat Club on 09/14/2023 - looped - Arrived back to Peoria Boat Club 08/26/2024
Total Nautical Miles on the loop: 5,658 converted to regular miles: 6,511
Fuel: 2,200 gallons Cost: $9,570
Nautical MPG 2.57 Regular MPG 2.96
Number of states cruised through: 17
Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Michigan, Wisconsin
Number of Canadian Provinces: 1
Inland River Locks
10 locks going up total 478feet
29 locks going down total 927feet
Albany, NY & Erie Canal from Waterford, NY to Oswego, NY.
21 locks going up
28 locks going down (this includes helping a dear looper friend locking down 18 locks back to Albany)
Trent-Severn Waterway - Ontario
34 locks going up
10 locks going down
Total locks: 65 locks up & 67 locks down = 132
Total ice cream cones: never enough : )